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Open Schooling BOSSE for Secondary & Senior Secondary Education

open schooling

The open schooling system provides a source of education for marginalized groups and underprivileged parts of society, in addition to being desired to owe to its inherent relationship to human psychology and psychological growth. Its benefactors include school dropouts, the physically and intellectually challenged, the female population, and people from rural and remote locations. BOSSE is one of the best venues for students who want to choose a unique combination of subjects that aren’t available in the formal system and go to open schools. Students seeking vocations that need to commit more time than what the strict formal education systems with their time-bound framework and attendance compulsions can allow prefer open boards. Open schooling is a notion that has the potential to transform society and bring out the best in people since it encourages students to strive for success. The entire strategy is around reaching the unreached.

Need for Open Schools

Open schools are non-formal education facilities that provide students with education and training. Dropouts from formal schools, underprivileged elements of society such as rural youth, rural and urban poor, girls, women, scheduled castes and tribes, backward classes, handicapped individuals, ex-servicemen, and the working population at the bottom level are among the target groups for these boards. People living in rural areas, where school dropout rates are high, benefit greatly from open school boards like BOSSE. For various reasons, a huge proportion of youngsters in rural areas do not attend school. The majority of these children are observed helping their family members with daily tasks and land tilling. Their parents are also hesitant to send their children to regular schools. In these circumstances, open schools serve to bridge the gap between students and school education. The system also contributes to the promotion of adult literacy.

Features of Open Schooling

  • Providing relevant ongoing and holistic education through an Open and Distance Learning system up to the pre-degree level.
  • Contributing to school education’s universalization.
  • For equity and social justice, catering to the educational needs of the prioritized target groups.
  • Reaching the Unreached.
  • Develop need-based Academic and Vocational Education programs for employment and lifetime learning up to the pre-degree level.
  • To achieve excellence in the development of high-quality open and distance learning curricula and courseware for students.
  • To promote open schooling at the national and global levels by networking, capacity building, resource sharing, and quality verification.
  • Anyone, regardless of caste, creed, or geographical region, can enroll in BOSSE’s open school courses.

As India’s premier open school, BOSSE’s primary objective is to “Fight against Illiteracy”. The board strives to make the educational system more flexible and freer for all students, as well as boost educational access in rural areas. BOSSE, the Board of Open Schooling and Skill Education is quickly establishing itself as the best option for students who want to continue their education but aren’t focused on achieving a specific time-bound goal, such as passing a competitive exam that would allow them to pursue further studies or qualify them for a specific career. It offers students a one-of-a-kind platform to choose senior and senior secondary courses, as well as skill and vocational programmes. It also gives students with tailored educational support for specific learning objectives such as the NEET, SAT, or other exams. A few of the advantages are listed below:

  • Open Schooling is a student-centered approach that allows students to pick what they want to study, how they want to learn it, and when they want to learn it.
  • The admission (once registered) is valid for five years from the date of admission.
  • Students who want to continue their education later in life or study at their own pace can benefit from this board.
  • Students can study anywhere they want, whenever they want.
  • Open school boards like BOSSE allow you to learn from the comfort of your own home, without the need to attend a single class at a school or college.

To conclude, BOSSE aspires to provide high-quality education to all disadvantaged students who have been forced to drop out due to unanticipated conditions. By merging non-formal and ongoing education, the board has taken a significant step toward the universalization of secondary and senior secondary education. This new leader will be able to address the needs of students who want to continue their studies. This eminent open school offers a diverse range of educational courses, skills, and vocational programmes up to the pre-degree level, allowing you to finish your education and improve your inner skills, enabling you to seek a rewarding career in various domains. The board is meticulously designed to provide education to people from all walks of life to improve literacy and equip pupils for flexible learning.